Usually within 12 hours of your order placement you will receive an email subjected "Welcome to dotCanada" from our provisioning team. This message will contain all the necessary information you need to get started. Included is your login information, how to access email, FTP information, DNS settings, etc.


Once you have your Welcome email, you can upload your web content using your temporary URL as your FTP Host Name, or login to the control panel with your temporary link. Within 24 - 48 hours of your domain having been registered, you will be able to use your domain name as the FTP host and control panel access instead.



IMPORTANT: It can take up to 24 - 48 hours for the entire World Wide Web to recognize your new web address. This process is called domain propagation and is out of our control. Any time a web address is created, it takes time for it to propagate to different name servers scattered over the globe.

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